Check only 1 box per question
Overlook or miss details? Submit inaccurate work?
Trouble staying focused
Trouble focusing throughout meetings or conversations?
Poor listening
Do you become distracted during conversations?
Easily sidetracked
Do you start tasks then lose focus?
Difficulty organizing work
Are you disorganized and messy? Do you miss deadlines?
Avoid lengthy mental tasks
Do you avoid paperwork or reviewing lengthy reports?
Losing everyday items
Like your keys, phone or glasses?
Easily distracted
Does your mind frequently wander?
Do you forget to return calls, keep appointments or pay bills on time?
Do you tap your hands, feet or squirm in your seat?
Can’t stay seated
Even when you’re expected to?
Feeling restless
Are you often on edge?
Difficulty with quiet activities
Like sitting through presentations or movies?
Always “on the go”
Uncomfortable being still for extended periods of time?
Talking excessively
Ignoring or missing social cues in the process?
Interrupting others
Do you cut others off, in traffic or conversation?
Have trouble waiting in line
In traffic, at the bank, etc.?
Do you butt into conversations or activities?
The number of checks under “sometimes” and “frequently” should be counted. If your score, in either column, is between 5-9, a full evaluation should be seriously considered.